- B.Sc. in Geology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece (2002)
- M.Sc. in Water Resources Science and Technology, National Technical University of Athens, Greece (2004)
- Ph.D. in Hydrogeology and Isotope Hydrology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece (2010)
- M.Sc. in Waste Management, Hellenic Open University, Greece (2012)
Short CV
He is a Geologist and he obtained his PhD on the use of stable and radioactive isotopes (i.e., 18Ο, 2Η, 3H of H2O and 222Rn) in hydrogeology from the Geology Department of the University of Athens (Greece) in 2010.
From 2006 to 2014, he was a research associate at the University of Athens in EU‐funded and national (Greek) research projects, and in 2013 he did his post-doc on nitrate isotopes (15N, 18O of NO3) in the water cycle by visiting the University of Ghent (Belgium).
He worked as an Isotope Hydrologist at the International Atomic Energy agency (IAEA) for seven years (2014-2021) by providing technical and scientific support in projects in >20 UN Member States, including Croatia, Malta, Laos, Mauritius, Sierra Leone and Namibia, aiming at the application of isotope and other related (e.g. hydro(geo)chemistry) techniques in hydro(geo)logical problems(e.g., seawater intrusion, origin and dating of groundwater, nitrogen pollution and biogeochemical processes, surface water-groundwater interactions, climate change impact).
He was project leader in two 4-years international IAEA Coordinated Research Projects focusing on the application of nitrate isotopes to trace nitrogen pollution and eutrophication in rivers and lakes and the origin of nitrogen in precipitation.
He was involved in the implementation of activities related to the IAEA Global Network of Isotopes in Rivers (GNIR), which focuses on the monitoring of stable isotopes in rivers worldwide.
He has lecturing experience on isotope hydrology, hydrogeology, water pollution and management of water resourcesunder European M.Sc. programs and IAEA training courses.
He has authored or co-authored >20 papers in international peer-reviewed scientific journals (incl. 3 articles in Nature group journals) and many contributions (talks and posters) at international conferences with>470citations.
He received an IAEA Staff Award for Excellence in 2020.