
  1. Buškulić, P., Kovač, Z., Matiatos, I. and Parlov, J., 2025. Tracing nitrate contamination sources and dynamics in an unconfined alluvial aquifer system (Velika Gorica well field, Croatia). Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts,
  2. Boumaiza, L., Stotler, R.L., Mayer, B., Matiatos, I., Sacchi, E., Otero, N., Johannesson, K.H., Huneau, F., Chesnaux, R., Blarasin, M. and Re, V., 2024. How the δ18ONO3 versus δ15NNO3 Plot Can Be Used to Identify a Typical Expected Isotopic Range of Denitrification for NO3-Impacted Groundwaters. ACS ES&T Water,
  3. Quinodoz, F.B., Cabrera, A., Blarasin, M., Matteoda, E., Pascuini, M., Prámparo, S., Boumaiza, L., Matiatos, I., Schroeter, G., Lutri, V. and Giacobone, D., 2024. Chemical and isotopic tracers combined with mixing models for tracking nitrate contamination in the Pampa de Pocho aquifer, Argentina. Environmental Research, p.119571,
  4. Balestrini, R., Diémoz, H., Freppaz, M., Delconte, C.A., Caschetto, M., Matiatos, I. 2024. Nitrogen atmospheric deposition in a high-altitude Alpine environment: A chemical and isotopic approach to investigate the influence from anthropized areas, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 328, 120513,
  5. Kypritidou, Z., Kelepertzis, E., Kritikos, I., Kapaj, E., Skoulika, I., Kostakis, M., Vassilakis, E., Karavoltsos, S., Boeckx, P. and Matiatos, I., 2024. Geochemistry and origin of inorganic contaminants in soil, river sediment and surface water in a heavily urbanized river basin, STOTEN, p.172250,
  6. Matiatos, I., Monteiro, L.R., Sebilo, M., Soto, D.X., Gooddy, D.C., Wassenaar, L.I., 2024. Isotopes Reveal the Moderating Role of Ammonium on Global Riverine Water Nitrogen Cycling, ACS ES&T Water 4(4): 1451-1459,
  7. Mayer, B. and Matiatos, I., 2024. Nutrient dynamics in rivers and lakes, Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, Elsevier,
  8. Smith, A.C., Leng, M.J., McGowan, S., Panizzo, V.N., Ngo, T.T.T., Luu, T.N.M., Matiatos, I., Do, T.N., Ta, T.T. and Trinh, A.D., 2023. Identifying the controls on nitrate and metabolic state within the Red River delta (Vietnam) with the use of stable isotopes, Journal of Hydrology, 628, 130467, ISSN 0022-1694,
  9. Matiatos, I., Moeck, C., Vystavna, Y., Marttila, H., Orlowski, N., Jessen, S., Evaristo, J., Sebilo, M., Koren, G., Dimitriou, E., Müller, S., Panagopoulos, Y. and Stockinger, M.P., 2023. Nitrate isotopes in catchment hydrology: Insights, ideas and implications for models. Journal of Hydrology, 626, Part B, 130326,
  10. Esquivel-Hernández, G., Sánchez-Murillo, R., Villalobos-Córdoba, D., Monteiro, L.R., Villalobos-Forbes, M., Sánchez-Gutiérrez, R., Cotrim, M.E. and Matiatos, I., 2023. Exploring the acid neutralizing effect in rainwater collected at a tropical urban area: Central Valley, Costa Rica. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 14(9), p.101845.
  11. Matiatos, I., Lazogiannis, K., Papadopoulos, A., Skoulikidis, N. Th., Boeckx, P. and Dimitriou, E. 2023. Stable isotopes reveal organic nitrogen pollution and cycling from point and non-point sources in a heavily cultivated (agricultural) Mediterranean river basin. Science of The Total Environment.
  12. Skoulikidis, N.T., Matiatos, I., Michalopoulos, P., Smeti, E., Özkan, C., Akepsimaidis, K., Laschou, S. and Stumpp, C., 2023. Sources of major elements and nutrients in the water cycle of an undisturbed river basin–Samothraki Island, Greece. Science of The Total Environment897, p.165361.
  13. Matiatos, I., Papadaki, Ch., Amaxidis, Y., Lazogiannis, K., Papadopoulos, A. and Dimitriou. E., 2023., Preliminary assessment of nitrate sources of pollution in the urbanized catchment of the Kifissos River Introduction. 38th International Conference on Geochemistry and Health (2-6 July 2023), Athens, Greece.
  14. Matiatos, I., Dimitriou, E., Papadopoulos, A., Lazogiannis, K. and Boeckx, P., 2023. Insights on Nitrogen dynamics in the Evrotas River basin- Preliminary results. International Symposium on Isotope Hydrology (3–7 July 2023), Vienna, Austria.
  15. Matiatos, I., Dimitriou, E., Papadopoulos, A., Lazogiannis, K. and Boeckx, P., 2023. Preliminary assessment of Nitrogen origin in the Pinios River basin. International Symposium on Isotope Hydrology (3–7 July 2023), Vienna, Austria.
  16. Matiatos, I., Papadopoulos, A., Panagopoulos, Y., Dimitriou, E., 2023. Insights into the influence of morphology on the hydrological processes of river catchments using stable isotopes. Hydrological Sciences Journal,
  17. Matiatos, I., Dimitriou, E., Papadopoulos, A., Arvanitis, P., 2022. Preliminary findings of a water isotope survey in Evrotas river basin. 12th International Hydrogeological Congress of Greece and Cyprus/ Nicosia
  18. Matiatos, I., Dimitriou, E., Papadopoulos, A., Arvanitis, P., 2022. Systematic monitoring of water isotopes in Pinios river basin-preliminary results. 12th International Hydrogeological Congress of Greece and Cyprus/ Nicosia
  19. Passos, R.G., Matiatos, I., Monteiro, L.R., Almeida, R.S., Lopes, N.P., Carvalho Filho, C.A. and Cota, S.D., 2022. Imprints of anthropogenic air pollution sources on nitrate isotopes in precipitation in a tropical metropolitan area. Atmospheric Environment, 288, p.119300,
  20. Kelepertzis, E., Matiatos, I., Botsou, F., Antonopoulou, C., Lappas, I., Dotsika, E., Chrastný, V., Boeckx, P., Karavoltsos, S., Komárek, M. 2023. Assessment of natural and anthropogenic contamination sources in a Mediterranean aquifer by combining hydrochemical and stable isotope techniques. Science of The Total Environment, 858, p. 159763,
  21. Matiatos, I., Araguás-Araguás, L., Wassenaar, L.I., Monteiro, L.R., Harjung, A., Douence, C. and Kralik, M., 2022. Nitrate isotopes reveal N-cycled waters in a spring-fed agricultural catchment. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, pp.1-21,
  22. Vystavna, Y., Paule-Mercado, M.C., Schmidt, S.I., Hejzlar, J., Porcal, P., Matiatos, I., 2023. Nutrient dynamics in temperate European catchments of different land use under changing climate. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 45, 101288,
  23. Esquivel-Hernández, G., Matiatos, I., Sánchez-Murillo, R., Vystavna, Y., Balestrini, R., Wells, N.S., Monteiro, L.R., Chantara, S., Walters, W. and Wassenaar, L.I., 2023. Nitrate isotopes (δ 15N, δ 18O) in precipitation: best practices from an international coordinated research project. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, pp.1-15,